our company

What We Offer

At SOCAL Retrofitting, we specialize in seismic retrofitting, helping retrofit your building so it can withstand earthquakes. As part of our retrofitting services, we help property owners retrofit their buildings to avoid soft story issues. We also offer cripple wall bracing services, structural welding and can build retaining walls for your building. In addition to these Los Angeles earthquake retrofitting and retaining wall services, we offer foundation inspection and repair. If your foundation is at risk, we can repair it to ensure that it will withstand the pressure of the building itself as well as the potential for an earthquake. Our Los Angeles foundation repair services include foundation replacement and hillside foundation work as well as general foundation repair.

Who We Serve

SOCAL Retrofitting provides our seismic retrofitting in Southern California, with service provided specifically to properties In Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles, as well as other communities in Orange County. We serve both businesses and homeowners who are looking for foundation and retrofitting services.

Foundation Repair and Seismic Retrofitting With The Right Qualifications

When hiring a seismic retrofitting and foundation repair company to handle the basic structure of your building, ensuring it is structurally sound and able to withstand an earthquake, you want to find a company with the right qualifications and experience. SOCAL Retrofitting has nearly two decades worth of experience. We also have a general contractor license and are members of the International Concrete Repair Institute. To protect your contractors and our customers, we operate as a fully bonded and insured company. If you are looking for Los Angeles earthquake retrofitting, foundation replacement and foundation repair, or welding from a general contractor, have questions about the stability of your building or have been served orders call SOCAL Retrofitting today to discuss what we offer.

Don’t put your building
and its occupants at risk

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